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The Origins of 4/20: A Deep Dive into Cannabis Culture's Favorite Holiday

If you’re a fan of cannabis culture, you’ve probably heard of 4/20. It’s a day of celebration for marijuana enthusiasts, with events and gatherings taking place all over the world. But how did this date come to be associated with cannabis culture? Let’s take a deep dive into the history of 4/20.

The Origins of 4/20

The origins of 4/20 are somewhat shrouded in mystery. There are several theories about where the term comes from, but no definitive answer. One of the most popular theories is that it originated from a group of high school students in San Rafael, California in the early 1970s.

The story goes that these students, who called themselves “the Waldos,” heard about a plot of land near their school where a Coast Guard member had allegedly abandoned a cannabis crop. The students set out to find the abandoned crop and agreed to meet at 4:20 pm by the school’s statue of Louis Pasteur to begin their search. Although they never found the crop, they continued to meet at 4:20 pm and use the term “420” as code for marijuana.

The Grateful Dead Connection:

Another theory about the origin of 4/20 suggests a connection from the Waldos to the Grateful Dead. The band’s fans, known as Deadheads, would often use the term “420” to refer to smoking, and the band’s tours would sometimes stop in cities on April 20th. This theory is supported by the fact that some of the Waldos had connections to the Deadhead community.

In fact, one of the Waldos’ fathers was a close friend of Grateful Dead bassist Phil Lesh, and the band members themselves have acknowledged their involvement in spreading the term “420.” In a 1990 interview with High Times magazine, Grateful Dead publicist Dennis McNally said, “I do know Steve [Bloom, former editor of High Times] and I do know that he was involved in the origins of 420. He was a friend of the Waldos and he was one of the people they contacted about the idea.”

The Waldos also had a close relationship with the Dead’s sound engineer, who would give them backstage passes and allow them to hang out with the band. This connection helped to spread the term “420” throughout the Deadhead community and beyond.

The Spread of 4/20:

Regardless of its origins, the term “420” became widely used among cannabis enthusiasts in the 1990s, thanks in part to the efforts of High Times magazine. The publication helped to popularize the term through its articles and annual “420” issue, which featured stories about cannabis culture and events taking place on April 20th.

Today, 4/20 is celebrated by millions of people around the world, with events and gatherings taking place in cities and towns everywhere. It’s a day for cannabis enthusiasts to come together and celebrate their love for the plant, as well as to advocate for its legalization and decriminalization.

In Conclusion:

The origins of 4/20 may be widely debated, but there’s no doubt that it has become an important part of cannabis culture. Whether you’re an advocate, a consumer, or just someone who enjoys the plant, 4/20 is a day to celebrate the unique culture and community that has grown around cannabis. It’s a day to come together and celebrate the plant’s rich history and its potential for the future.

As we move forward however, it’s important to remember the past and the struggles that cannabis enthusiasts have faced. While 4/20 is a day of celebration, it’s also a reminder of the need to continue fighting for legalization, and the rights of cannabis consumers everywhere.

This year- let’s come together to celebrate the plant and the community that surrounds it, and let’s continue to work towards a brighter future for cannabis.



Merry Jane. (n.d.). How the Waldos Created 4/20: The Unbelievable True Story.

Rolling Stone. (2019, April 20). The Real Origin of 4/20: Where Pot Smokers Celebrate and Why.

Time. (2018, April 20). Marijuana’s High Holiday is Upon Us: 5 Things to Know About 4/20.

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Author: Kimberly Berreth

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